#DefendOurWildlife social media resources

Thank you for magnifying the reach of this campaign. The campaign has the following goals:

  1. Sensitise port workers and stakeholders in the ports supply chain to the illegal wildlife trade     
  2. Highlight the value of wildlife, encourage all citizens to take pride and custodianship of wildlife to protect from criminals
  3. Highlight the laws protecting wildlife to discourage complicity in wildlife crime






During the campaign, we would like to reach as many people to effectively raise awareness on the issues of wildlife crimes conducted through East African ports. We would need your help in doing so. Please post the following content on your social media platforms tagging the partners and relevant hashtags.

Please add relevant social media handles:

Twitter (TW)

@UNDP @undptz @UNDPAfrica @theGEF @USAIDTanzania @wildaidafrica @wildaid @WMaliasili @tanzaniaportshq @tzpark

Instagram (IG)

@undp @undpafrica @gef_global_environment @usaid @wildaidafrica @wildaid @wizarayamaliasilinautalii @tpa_tz @tanzaniaparks

Facebook (FB)

@UNDP @undpafricaofficial @GlobalEnvironmentFacility @wildaidafrica @FocusedConservation


Social Media messaging:



Wildlife is an essential part of Uganda’s heritage. But criminals are driving our wild animals towards extinction. Report suspicious activity in Uganda to 0800 245 245 to #defendourwildlife bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife #joinourteam @B_M321 @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF @ugwildlife

Wildlife crime robs the country of revenue & deprives people of jobs and income while fueling corruption and violence. #joinourteam, report suspicious activity in Uganda to 0800 245 245 to #defendourwildlife bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @B_M321 @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF @ugwildlife

Criminals involved in illegal wildlife trade are robbing Africa of its natural heritage, undermining tourism & stealing from all of us. Report suspicious activity in Uganda to 0800 245 245 #DefendOurWildlife bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @B_M321 @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF @ugwildlife


Wildlife is an essential part of our cultural heritage as Ugandans. But criminals are driving our wild animals towards extinction. Anyone can join the team against wildlife crime by reporting information and suspicious activity in Uganda to 0800 245 245. More info: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife End illegal wildlife trafficking through Uganda’s ports. #DefendOurWildlife #Joinourteam

East Africa regional


Join international footballers @VictorWanyama, @Johnbocco19, and @B_M321 to help tackle wildlife crime and #DefendOurWildlife! @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife

We all rely on wildlife for our well-being, our economies & our identities. We all have a role to play to #DefendOurWildlife. #Joinourteam to end illegal wildlife trade. Report suspicious activity. More info: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF @USAIDEastAfrica

Wildlife crime robs the country of revenue & deprives people of jobs and income, while fueling corruption and violence. #Joinourteam, report suspicious activity to #DefendOurWildlife. More info: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @UNDP @UNDPAfrica @wildaid @theGEF @USAIDEastAfrica

Criminals involved in illegal wildlife trade are robbing Africa of its natural heritage, undermining tourism & stealing from all of us. #Joinourteam, report suspicious activity to #DefendOurWildlife. bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @UNDP @UNDPAfrica @wildaid @theGEF @USAIDEastAfrica


We all rely on wild animals for our well-being, our economies and our identities. We all have a role to play in preventing wildlife crime. Join the team against wildlife crime by reporting information and suspicious activity. More info: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife

End illegal wildlife trafficking through Tanzania’s ports. #DefendOurWildlife #Joinourteam



Wildlife is an essential part of Tanzania’s heritage. But criminals are driving our wild animals towards extinction. Report suspicious activity to 0800-110032 to #defendourwildlife bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife #joinourteam @Johnbocco19 @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF @tanzaniaportshq

Wildlife crime robs the country of revenue & deprives people of jobs and income, while fueling corruption and violence. #joinourteam, report suspicious activity to 0800-110032 to #defendourwildlife bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @Johnbocco19 @UNDP @WildAidAfrica @theGEF @tanzaniaportshq

Criminals involved in illegal wildlife trade are robbing Africa of its natural heritage, undermining tourism & stealing from all of us. Report suspicious activity to 0800-110032 #DefendOurWildlife bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @Johnbocco19 @UNDP @WildAidAfrica  @theGEF @tanzaniaportshq


Wildlife is an essential part of our cultural heritage as Tanzanians. But criminals are driving our wild animals towards extinction. Anyone can join the team against wildlife crime by reporting information and suspicious activity to 0800-110032. More info: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife

End illegal wildlife trafficking through Tanzania’s ports. #DefendOurWildlife #Joinourteam



Wildlife is an essential part of Kenya’s cultural heritage. But criminals are driving our wild animals towards extinction. Report suspicious activity in Kenya to 0800 722 203 to #defendourwildlife. bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife #joinourteam @VictorWanyama @UNDP @theGEF @DCI_Kenya

We all rely on wildlife for our well-being, economies & identities. We have a role to play to #defendourwildlife. #joinourteam to end illegal wildlife trade. Report suspicious activity in Kenya to 0800 722 203. bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @VictorWanyama @UNDP @theGEF @DCI_Kenya

Wildlife crime robs the country of revenue & deprives people of jobs and income, while fueling corruption and violence. #joinourteam, report suspicious activity in Kenya to 0800 722 203 to #defendourwildlife. More: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife @VictorWanyama @UNDP @theGEF @DCI_Kenya


Wildlife is an essential part of our cultural heritage as Kenyans. But criminals are driving our wild animals towards extinction. Anyone can join the team against wildlife crime by reporting information and suspicious activity in Kenya to 0800 722 203.

More info: bit.ly/DefendOurWildlife End illegal wildlife trafficking through Kenya’s ports. #joinourteam #defendourwildlife